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Do you ever think happens after your body has gone?

What you would like your family to do and how you would like them to represent you at your funeral?


There was a time there wasn't much choice for your funeral. You would find a funeral home on Google or the yellow pages and they might sell you the highest price funeral you could afford, or perhaps they would make you feel guilty that you had not chosen the most expensive coffin for your loved one.

Since 2015, a new, inivitive funeral group have been changing the way people can farewell themselves, their friends or their precious family members. 


Picaluna was the first company to bring in Your funeral, Your way methodology. 


There is one thing in life we can be sure of. We will die one day. So why not prepare now. 

Why not think about how you wish to see your last farewell. 

Will it be black suits or bright dresses

Will it be your choice of music or a solomn processional

Will it be in a big church, a little chapel, a crematorium room OR

Will your deaths view be lucious Bushland, Ocean and Beach or a Beautiful Garden?

Will your family wear high heels or flip-flops.

Will they toast you with your favourite spirit as your spirit is set free?

Are you from a culture that respects another style of ceremony? Let us know how to incorporate your wishes in your ceremony.


The question remains. 

Who are you and what do you want with your remains. 


We at Freshwater Funerals and Picaluna can answer all of these questions for you. 

A caring house call to talk about your desires - before your death or to talk to your family

A considerate team that will care for you & your family from the moment of death to the final farewell


Would you like to know more about the funeral process once someone has died? Simply click on the link.


At Freshwater Funerals we work in conjuctions with Picaluna Funerals - together ensuring every aspect of your wishes is welcomed as warmly as possible. 


The Picaluna team are celebrants, so we understand you, we respect you and your wishes. 


My Role:

It has been by privilege and an honour to be asked to run the proceedings for a friend or family member's loved one who has died. 

The grief at the time of loss is tangible and real. 

As a nurse, I have been at the bedside of many who have passed and have been the support for many who have lost a loved one. 

As a celebrant I offer a caring, compassionate and considerate hand to you and your family.


  • In my role as your Transitional Guide - I can be with you when your time to die is near and help you live the very best you can until your last breath. We can talk about your life but also support your though your fears as we plan a funeral that your feel is about you and respects your wishes, while showing care and understanding of your family's despair and grief. 

  • In my role as a Funeral Director, I will be there to ensure your wishes are followed and each step of the way runs smoothly, while taking the pressure of your family at this difficult time.

  • In my role as a Celebrant I will work with your family to create a ceremony where your memories are kept rich & alive in your last farewell and beyond. 


What a caterpillar perceives as the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning. We know that all that has life, has a beginning and an end. Life’s significance lies in the experiences and satisfaction we achieve within that life span" A Buddhist saying.


I offer

  • pre-death conversation with the dying and their family 

  • arrangements of everything required once your loved one has died from retrieval to grave or cremation

  • to write a script to bring the essence of your loved one to life and introduce each speaker to give their eulogy or stories of his or her life.

  • kindness, compassion & support


Companies I trust will assist you with large scale funerals

Picaluna Funeral Company

Sydney Funeral Company  


We will take away your stress and guide you through the process while giving you time to grieve. 

Other Peoples opionions





Cate, when I think of you, your compassion and empathy are foremost in my mind. Together with your sheer love of life, this makes you the perfect person to do this in a way that I believe would be wonderful for those who've lost someone as well as fitting for those who've departed. I think that people would be blessed to have you involved in a time like this. Kerri

Your Kindness and understanding as you helped us say goodbye to my mum made an awful time far easier. Thank you so much beautiful Cate. 


I can highly recommend Cate and Picaluna Funerals. I doubt I would have got through the arrangements that need to be made on the passing of my youngest son without Cate's help. Her organisation and MC of Stevens Celebration of Life was exactly as Steven would have wished - Laraine

Cate, I think of none more suited. Your compassion shines through. People will be blessed to have your care at a difficult and sad time of their journey -


Cate, when I think of you, your compassion and empathy are foremost in my mind. Together with your sheer love of life, this makes you the perfect person to do this in a way that I believe would be wonderful for those who've lost someone as well as fitting for those who've departed. I think that people would be blessed to have you involved in a time like this. Kerri


Sydney Funeral Co and TLC


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